Thursday, 29 May 2014

un redondeo

Honesty time for what is potentially my final entry to this blog: my year abroad experience has been harder than I ever imagined that it would be. This doesn't negate the many good things about my life in Spain and this realisation has taken a while to surface, but there it is; this year has been bloody hard! There's been all the obvious difficulties that come with living abroad; learning the language, coping with culture change - the extremity of which shocked me throughout the first semester - starting a new job, setting up a bank account, finding a place to live etc. etc. Furthermore, whilst I had been told to expect it, I didn't imagine the homesickness I suffered in the first few months. I had to experience the loss of family whilst being thousands of miles away from them, the feeling of missing out from my main circle of university friends who were in their final year, the challenge of maintaining a long-term relationship and the subsequent failure of that. Really, I'm not trying to get any sympathy votes but I would like to validate the reasons why, for me, this has not been the singular greatest year of my life. There is so much pressure to make it so and to make the most of it, to squeeze all the life out of it before it's too late because when will you get this opportunity again? But I don't buy into this view; we have the ability to create our own opportunities in life and I've always been pretty averse to polarising human experience in that way.

Anyway, there's the slightly melancholy part of my final "Third Year Abroad" blog post. Fortunately, the happier part still burns bright in my mind and hopefully it'll continue to do so when looking back on this whole experience. This year has been, in many ways, one of the most rewarding and illuminating that I have ever enjoyed.  I have learnt more than I could have imagined learning about Spain, about myself and about human nature in general! My perceptions of what is normal have been challenged and, more importantly, I have met some of the most interesting, talented and the kindest individuals I could have hoped to have met during these past nine months.

The students at my colegio are remarkable, brilliant beings, each and every one of them. I look at their faces and envisage them all grown up, wondering what's in store for them. They have taught me a lot about humility, kindness as well as reminding me what it is to see the world with curious eyes. I will deeply miss seeing them grow up, laughing at their silly jokes, observing their uninhibited sense of fun and wit, even their ridiculously overblown squabbling. I wish them happiness and strength and I hope that they survive adulthood with their inner child intact! I have been so privileged to meet them at such an important stage in their lives. 

I spent my final week at the school feeling overwhelmed by the love from the children and the brilliant teachers with whom I worked. Gonna miss them terribly!

 I've realised that there so many people and places that I'd like to write about here that naming them would result in either a full-length essay or having to miss some people out (hence, also, the glaring lack of photos of people in this post). Some of them are fellow language assistants including my lovely flatmate, the Torre lot and those living in Santander, whilst others are Cantabrians who I've been lucky enough to meet in La Vetusta, La Asunción bakery, Jonatan Rueda, Hogar, the Metropolitan gym and Musli in Torrelavega, at surfing lessons with Ahau surf and through language exchanges. Suffice to say that I've met some incredibly warm, special, interesting people and made some friends for life. I'm going miss 'em all deeply but glad that, with many of them, it won't be our last meeting!

As for places, it's a similar story. The north of Spain was a surprise for me  in so many ways. From the (often awful) weather to the beauty of the beaches and mountains; I have honestly never encountered such a spectacular coastline as that of Northern Spain and am grateful of my decision to live here, even despite the gale-force winds and torrential rain! Liencres will always hold a special place in my heart as my favourite Cantabrian beach and the ruta de Cares, Asturias is probably the most epic visual experience I have ever had. It's been great exploring the region of Cantabria itself: the varied beaches around La Magdalena, skateboarding around el Parque de las Llamas and of course the hiking trips to Peña Sagra and Fuente Dé. The list would go on but it might get a bit tedious for anyone other than myself! Basically, I'd strongly strongly recommend a visit to Cantabria and Asturias to anyone of the outdoorsy kind, because for that sort of thing in Spain, you can't get much better!

One last thing - after spending the first couple of months convinced that I would not see a smidgen of improvement in my Spanish, I am so happy to say that I've seen a definite change for the better. I have learnt un montón this year and can't quite believe how my journey towards fluency has begun to make itself apparent. 

This entry was never going to do justice in expressing how much I appreciate the friends I have made and the experiences I've had, but I hope that it goes a little way to saying THANK YOU Spain, it's been inolvidable :)

Monday, 26 May 2014

things I have learnt so far: Part 4

They like their food. No, really.
Spain's relationship with food is quite distinct from the British one. In the UK, quantity is usually a definite factor in the value of food - here, not so much. Here, it doesn't take much to spark gastronomic excitement. Sitting in the staff room for example, a daily flow of empanada, quesada and soblao is provided by various teachers for reasons that range from birthday celebrations to my sister-in-law-who-you've-never-met's wedding a fortnight ago. The reaction to the food is generally met with a succession of "Mmmm! Que rico!", "Vaya, bueníssmo!" and the like. In print, that doesn't look like anything out of the ordinary but when I try to picture the same kind of zest over a Victoria sponge amongst a flock of English teachers - "OOH! So tasty!", "Wow, absolutely delicious!" - it doesn't quite fit. A couple of days ago a packet of shop-bought breadsticks were being handed around the table, resulting in an full-blown conversation about said breaksticks' deliciousness. To me it seems like an overall healthier attitude to eating; people take the time to enjoy food, not just through consumption but by praising it! Food Appreciation Society, that's Spain right there.

When to say thanks remains a mystery
This one's just part of a larger cultural difference that I'm still getting accustomed to; there's no need to thank the person who is taking your food order nor the person driving the coach/bus. I've even been told by a Spaniard that to thank a driver for just doing their job would be bizarre to most. It is perhaps the cultural difference that I have struggled most with for the entire year and I'm afraid I am still inclined to thank people to what Spanish people would deem an excessive degree!

Hello/Goodbye/Who are you
Saying hello and goodbye to complete strangers with whom you have no intention of striking up a conversation is a social norm. Only this morning I was sat in a Doctor's waiting room and observed with interest the frequency and variety with which people did/did not greet one another. Most of the elderly ladies for example would greet the entire room with a 'Buenas', then proceed with a running commentary of their circumstances to which I am unsure to whom it is directed. In the gym changing rooms I am regularly greeting and saying "see you later" to people I've never met; any eye contact with a stranger in the street often leads to greeting of some sort. Overall I see it as a great thing; people are just generally more talkative and sociable and from a very basic perspective, it's nice to be acknowledged.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

donde se encuentran el bosque y la costa

hop off a train at Boo de los Piélagos, walk 40 minutes along a wide, snaking river upon the side of a lush-green hillside, through a dense, secretive forest and you arrive at Liencres, my favourite of all the beaches that I have explored in Cantabria.

Sunday, 16 March 2014


Life's been pretty ocupado recently and sadly I've neglected to record my adventures here.  I thought a pictorial summary of my experiences this semester would be a good way of making up for lost blog posts.

Snowshoeing in Fuente Dé
epic views en Los Picos de Europa 

Sun-filled San Vincente
moments of hysteria and gorgeous sunshine atop the hill (photos by E.C.)

Beaches, friends, nights out + a healthy dose of Vitamin D
yoga/make-yourself-look-conspicuous-in-public practice (photos by L. Y.)
Triángulo de Amor Bizarro gig + dancey dancey @ la discoteca (photos by L. Y.)
It's safe to say that my Year Abroad just gets better as time goes on; it's not been a total dream, certainly, but during this semester I've had some really beautiful experiences, met lots of new & lovely people and learnt un montón más del Español!

Friday, 31 January 2014

I'm back

Change is happening! Having been wrenched from what was one of the best Christmas and New Years that I have had yet, my mind for the first two days back was firmly set to ‘take me home’ mode. It took me about a week to truly settle in to the swing of Torrelavega life again and now that I have, I’ve noticed a few changes in my perception of my year abroad.

I'm no longer feeling that dreadful, heavy weight of homesickness that seemed to squash me throughout my first term here. I was having fun, yes, but at the same time I kept looking back at things going on with my British friends and wishing that I could join in. But now it seems that I no longer pine so intensely for home comforts. I continue to miss my friends and family hugely and there are still low points where I yearn to be back, but altogether I have lost that persistent ache to be surrounded by all things familiar. I imagine that this is in part due to my return to the UK where I realised that it does fact still exist and that I am not entirely removed from life there. It's also come from a renewed enthusiasm and love for my job, for travelling, for improving my Spanish and for trying new things.

The main downside of my experience here is, er, the downpour. We have rain in the UK, boy do we have it, but Cantabría has it's own unique type of precipitation; intense and heavy, the kind of short bursts that soak right through your jeans and freeze your legs. As a part-time language assistant with a lot of free time on my hands and the desire to explore, this kind of weather is less than helpful. I'm crossing all my metaphorical fingers that this constant rain will subside soon because when it does this place really comes alive with people and beauty.

a rare, rain-less day in Santander!